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Product Management

This is a page I made to answer the initial screening questions. Enjoy. 


What impact do you want to have on the world and why? 

Growing up in a rural town in India and then moving to Dubai when I was ten years old allowed me to see contrasting sides of life; from milking a cow by hand to enjoying a crème brûlée in a luxurious hotel. After seeing the socioeconomic and financial differences between the two places I called home, I was motivated to work on philanthropic campaigns to make a change in the lives of people (like friends back in India) that weren’t provided with the same opportunities as me. I devoted the next few years of my life to help underprivileged children gain access to quality education. I have  raised over 100k for philanthropic organizations and was recognized by the former prime minister (U.K.) David Cameron for the same. My goal is to be able to provide education to at least one million underprivileged children before I retire.

Apart from philanthropy, I also had a knack for product innovation and entrepreneurship. As a teenager I was often found taking apart household electronic products with a screwdriver in my hand or pestering the local mechanic to teach me how to fix my projects. As my interest in engineering grew, my projects also became more complex. I started building things like radios and coffee pouring machines to sell them in my neighborhood. My curious disposition coupled with my interest in monetizing from the products I created improved my pattern recognition, technical and empathetic skills. I want a hallmark of my career to be consistent innovation and skillful implementation of creative technical solutions. I love to build things and I’m always looking for how value can be added to a service, program or product


Describe your most meaningful experience(s) and why they matter to you

When I recognize a need, think of a solution and bring that solution to life. That “Aahhaa” moment when the sketch on paper turns into a living breathing product to add value. That's what brings me joy. Whether it's something as simple as this little thing I built :-

Or this Restaurant I opened 


 During my first year of college I noticed that there weren’t any popular clubs in town and students would travel to a neighboring town to go out. Recognizing this as an opportunity, I signed a contract with a transportation company to shuttle local club goers to the neighboring town and created value for around 100 students each week. This side hustle formed the groundwork for many valuable social and business relationships and eventually brought me the opportunity to open my own restaurant/bar with a group of other partners. In order to gain the technical skills needed, I interned at KPMG as a deal advisory intern working in the food and beverage sector and was able to launch a successful restaurant/bar near campus while still in college. Downtime LLC has served over twenty thousand customers and is projected to experience strong growth after the pandemic.

Or Maybe an app like this....

Or a Data science and Tutoring institute?

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I identified another opportunity with regards to the tutoring market in Dubai. I made a business plan that would bring more affordable in person tutoring services to the city and also use an innovative online platform that utilizes a machine learning algorithm to match students with optimal testing strategies. This venture raised $100,000 in the first round of funding and now provides services to hundreds of students at our office in Dubai

So, what do these things have in common?


I see a pain point, come up with a solution, get a team behind it, then I build and scale. Seeing an idea go from a sketch on paper to a finished product gives my life meaning. 


Latest Product I've been obsessed with 

Product: Lazy Llamas CNFTS 

 High quality 3D nfts, with customization, native token, and a long term utility plan. I co-founded the product line. 

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